June 26, 2018 - by Gemma Davis
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With modern advances in veterinary care, pet’s are living longer lives. How do we ensure those lives are quality? Right into the golden years… Just like humans, as pets live longer lives they are more likely to develop age related illness. The risk of cancer, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, heart disease and other serious conditions all increase
May 03, 2018 - by Gemma Davis
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A blog on the modern dog – by Dr Rowena. Until recently animals survived only when they were adapted to their environment. Where there was snow and ice, a species survived if it adapted to the cold. Think furry coats, small ears and thick layers of subcutaneous fat. The same species might also flourish in
January 24, 2018 - by Gemma Davis
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While Australia day is usually full of celebration and excitement, some members of our family can become extremely stressed and scared. Our cats and dogs can be seriously affected during this time, and here at Vet24 we see many animals suffering. If you have an anxious family member there are a few different ways you
December 12, 2017 - by Gemma Davis
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Has your cat been vaccinated in the last 12 months? Cat vaccinations are the only way to protect your cat against viral disease. Vaccinating your cat stimulates its immune system to produce antibodies against the virus, preventing it from causing disease. There are 3 major cat diseases caused by viruses in Australia that are highly infectious and
December 08, 2017 - by Gemma Davis
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Most serious canine diseases – including Canine Hepatitis, Canine Distemper, Canine Parainfluenza and Canine Parvovirus – are preventable with routine dog vaccinations. Some of these conditions can cause very serious health problems, discomfort or pain for your dog and in some cases they can be fatal. So how do you protect your dog? Which vaccinations
November 02, 2017 - by Gemma Davis
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It’s in the top 10 most googled dog questions… So ‘Why does my dog eat grass?’ – Vet24 Nurse Sharon has the answers… The most common theory is that dogs consume grass when they are feeling unwell to help them vomit. Although this might be a direct consequence of eating the grass, studies have
October 18, 2017 - by Gemma Davis
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Vet24 has blitzed it’s ASAVA inspection to become an accredited ASAVA Hospital of Excellence. ‘The ASAV Hospital Accreditation Scheme recognises companion animal practices that achieve the highest levels of quality health care and practice management in innovative, state-of-the-art hospital facilities. ASAV Accredited Hospitals set a benchmark to inspire other small animal practitioners when assessing
October 03, 2017 - by Gemma Davis
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The Benefits of Desexing… By Doctor Rowena Buxton Most pet owners in Australia recognise the benefits of desexing their pets. According to a survey by the Australian Veterinary Association over 90% of cat owners and close to 80% of dog owners voluntarily have their pets desexed. The RSPCA promotes desexing as an essential part of
September 22, 2017 - by Gemma Davis
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Stress? What stress? A dog’s life is no longer the life of grind, an unhappy existence, full of problems or unfair treatment. In fact, if Pinterest and Youtube are the lenses through which we see the modern dog, life looks pretty good. Burberry coats in winter, surfboarding in summer, booties when the ground is rough
August 22, 2017 - by Gemma Davis
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Vet24 are excited to introduce a 4 week program designed for your pet’s long term joint health… The joint health program at Vet24 has been designed to help pets, educate owners and provide ongoing joint disease management. This program is not only for geriatric pets. It will suit pets with previous injuries, a very active