Nurse Nutrition Consultations
Vet24 is passionate about pet nutrition and home to one of Australia’s only accredited Hill’s Nutritional Nurse Consultants. There are only two of these consultant nurses in Australia. So if you find yourself asking the question ‘Is my pet overweight?’ we are the best people to help.
As pet owners – what we feed our pets is something we have control over. Finding out what the healthy weight range for your pet is can be helpful in choosing what to feed and how much. Benefits for your pet when on our nutrition program are as follows…
*Increased quality and length of life
*Increased mobility
*Achieving a healthy weight range
*Guided progress – avoid the serious health risks of starvation or rapid weight loss or gain
*Real meals for your pet, so he or she wont feel hungry during the process.
At least 70% of cats and dogs we see in the clinic at Vet24 are overweight.
With the help of Hills Science Diet, we are providing a nutritional program to our clients, to assist with the healthy body condition of their dogs and cats. The results have been spectacular and we look forward to sharing them with you. The outcome of good nutrition for your pet’s is longer and healthier lives!
Here are a few before and after pictures of Vet24’s biggest loosers….
Bella Before and After – note the definition in her waist line
Ella Before and After – 11kg’s lighter…
Leroy Before and After – owner reports he is more active
Health Risks for Obese Pets
The health risks of being overweight for your pet include:
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Skin Complaints
- Arthritis
- Breathing Difficulties
- Shortened lifespan
For your pet to live a long healthy life, it’s important to feed him or her the right type of food in the right quantity. Pet food labels can be confusing. Our fully qualified nutrition nurses, can clarify pet food labels, ingredients and feeding rates. Our nurses can also advise on how to use pet food, to compliment any veterinary treatment your pet is receiving.
Is my Pet Overweight?
- Is it difficult to feel your pet’s ribs?
- Does your pet lack definition at the waist?
- Have you needed to loosen your adult pet’s collar several times in the past 12 months?
If you answered YES to one or more of the above questions, there is a good chance your pet is overweight. If you visit the Vet24 clinic, our staff can take some accurate measurements and check your pet’s ideal weight. After this you will receive a free weight loss plan and free nutritional check-ups and guidance from our nutrition nurses.
Call or visit the clinic in Balcatta for more information or to book your pet in for a free nutrition consultation and weight check.
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