I’m Watching You…Pet Surveillance – Vet24
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I’m Watching You…Pet Surveillance

May 19, 2017 - by Gemma Davis - in Uncategorised

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Pet Surveillance

We did a little research for the pets and humans out there interested in pet surveillance. If you or your pet are suffering from separation anxiety or maybe you are just curious about what your pet/s get up to when you’re not home, read on….

pet surveillance


Dog Monitor – $3.99


For just $3.99 you can download this clever little app and not only watch your pet whilst away from home – but chat to it too! The app connects your mobile with a compatible device at home (iPad for example) and turns that device into a surveillance system. You will be able to check what your pet’s up to, what it’s destroying, chat with it and take pictures. The app also records all noises your pet is making – perhaps you’ll find out why you keep getting dirty looks from your neighbours?

The ‘Dog Monitor’ isn’t exclusively for dogs, you could use it to spy on your cat or bird…or whatever you aim your home device’s camera at? Potential drawbacks of this app would be limited to camera angle and if you have an outdoor dog you may not want to leave an iPad or the like on the patio. All round good value though.

pet surveillance

PetCube – $199 +


The Petcube is a classy bit of equipment clearly designed by a pet lover. Your baseline here is surveillance, watch your pet through a wide-angle lens (with night vision and zoom), listen to your pet, talk to your pet and get notifications when it’s up to something! But wait there’s more… Petcube Play has an inbuilt laser pointer (certified safe for pets and their humans), Petcube Bites allows you to toss them a biscuit and the supporting app Petcube Care records video and stores it in the cloud for a monthly fee.

Petcube certainly thought of everything. If you are willing to dig deep in those pockets you can set up your own multicamera system and perhaps never need to set foot in the house again (just kidding guys – Petcube hasn’t set up a water bowl feature……yet). Potential drawbacks are initial set up price and ongoing fees to the app (starting at $10 per month) and some may argue teaching your pets to listen to the device on the wall and receive a treat, could interfere with your pet/human bond.

pet surveillance


On Collar Cameras – $249



Eyenimal have created a dog and a cat collar camera so you can see what they get up to from their point of view. The cams have 2.5 hours recording battery life, motion detectors and internal memory card to store footage. They are light weight and attach to your dogs or cats collar safely.

Handy way to check up on your pet’s behaviour and get some very cool go-pro style footage complete with sound. Unfortunately, no live monitoring and no two-way mic.

*While you are on the eyenimal website, browse their range of auto pet bowls and fountains! Hello high tech pets!

pet surveillance

PetChatz – $379.99


This is pretty deluxe, some might say…too deluxe? Once installed the PetChatz system allows you to facetime your pet whenever you please (yep you call them). Whilst on the phone to your newly humanized pet, you can dispense a treat to them or a squirt of calming essential oil. Your pet can see you on the Petchatz screen and if he or she misses you, can video call you by pressing the PawCall.

Potential drawbacks of this pet friendly system could be non-compliance from pets, some breeds may be more easily trained than others, to make phone calls. Big expense for this but it gets top points for being truly interactive.

Before we go –

Now we know what you are thinking and yes there are certainly non-pet specific apps, security cameras and go-pros which could be less cost and do a similar job. But today we are looking at pet stuff and these four items are very cool for pet monitoring. While scouring the internet for pet tech we did stumble on http://www.cleverdog.com.cn/ which, while not marketed directly at pet owners could be set up in a similar way to the Petcube for less cost.


A whole new range of pet tech is coming to Vet24 from Petkit ! Keep an eye on our blog page to learn more. 

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Gemma Davis

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